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Three-Flag Capture the Flag

Date: Saturday, April 15, 2023

Location: 4571 North Banta Road   Bargersville, IN

Schedule: 1000-2200

On Saturday the 15th, come enjoy a 3-flag CTF event in the private woods of southern-central Indiana! Teams will be split on site the day of the game, but not to worry - everyone can play alongside their friends and mates! Depending on turnout, this may become two flags (so invite some buddies!) and we may add an extra perk flag if there are enough people. Details on this will be made public in the brief.

Please arrive prior to 0945 to allow yourself time to get ready - please try to pack ready to play that we may utilize the most of the day. Brief will be at 1000, and game will begin at 1030. Game will end at or around 1700. At 1800, dinner will be served. You do not need to pay a penny! But please consider bringing a food or beverage for sharing. Burgers will be served for dinner. Feel free to stay late! There will be a bonfire. No alcohol or drugs permitted.

This game is set up to test your ability to work as a team to complete a shared mission while not neglecting critical tasks. Terrain includes a long creek (no deeper than shin, so bring your slip-ins), steep and gradual hills, plenty of trees, and a few trails. Wear sturdy hiking shoes or boots. Combat boots will suffice. Do not disturb the living nature around you, you are on private property. Recommended camouflage patterns include MultiCam, OCP, UCP, Flecktarn, and seasonal hunting camouflage. MARPAT and Woodland are not as effective this time of year but will better than straight greens. Teams will be differentiated with cloth arms bands. Snipers and MGers are recommended. Shortwave radios will work best in the area over FRS/GMRS, though these too will work in high to low areas, not vice versa. This is the best time to test a woods kit or loadout. Plate carriers (with inserts) and ballistic helmets are not recommended, instead chest rigs and vests would be better.

Full-seal eye protection, while not required, is most recommended. No one is responsible nor liable for any injuries sustained but yourself - by attending you are agreeing to this statement. Biodegradable BBs are the only permissible ammunition. No fireworks, incendiaries, nor explosives permitted. Any grenades used must not contain or produce a flame (no cold-burn or smoke), must contain bio-BBs, and trash (shells, casings, etc.) must be picked up after. Traps are permitted so long as they are cleaned up afterwards and contain biodegradable substances (water, flour, baking soda - no marking dye or chalk, please).

For the sake of space, as this is a private neighborhood, please try and carpool where possible to allow for free movement up and down the drive. If no space on the driveway is available, grass parking below the main driveway is acceptable. Call me (317-966-0668) if you are lost or have a question on where to park.

Please refrain from photography and videography. The neighbors have been kind enough to allow us to utilize some of their property, let's repay them by allowing them privacy.

While not an OST event, there will be patches available for purchase to help pay for this game and future events. Patches are $5 each. If you do not wish to buy a patch, please do not feel pressured to do so! This game is free!

Last Update: 04APR23

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